The Book
In order to build a shared vision for Goal 14, we need to develop a working knowledge of Ireland's marine and freshwater biodiversity, ecosystems and the threats they face.
Sustainable Shores
Ireland's Life Below Water
With key species dangerously overfished, millions of tonnes of plastic pollution entering the ocean every year and raw sewage still being pumped directly into habitats, Ireland’s aquatic ecosystems are hanging by a thread.
The book Sustainable Shores: Ireland's Life Below Water is designed to inform readers about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water and where Ireland stands in terms of its progress.
Providing an overview of the ecology and biodiversity of Ireland’s seashore and freshwater habitats, this book covers over 100 key species along with the threats to their survival posed by human interactions. This book introduces readers to ecosystem monitoring practices that can be carried out by anyone, and outlines the key steps that can be taken to reach Goal 14 in Ireland, from an individual to national level.
Sustainability is the ability to meet our own biological, social, and economic needs and growth, without compromising or damaging the environment, biodiversity and the needs of future generations.
Sustainable Shores The Book
In order for Ireland to achieve Goal 14, the people of Ireland must come together and develop a shared knowledge of the biodiversity, ecology and health of Ireland’s seashores, rivers and lakes. We must advocate for the protection and preservation of marine and freshwater life, and engage in citizen science and conservation efforts on a national and international level.
This book focuses on achieving the targets of Goal 14 within the accessible seashores and waterways of Ireland. The values and guiding principles contained within this book also apply to the over 70,000km of waterways threaded throughout Ireland. In addition, the knowledge and skills gained from this book are transferrable across both second and third level disciplines.
From primary school to professors, this book is designed for readers of all abilities as a means to build understandings across a spectrum of disciplines and concepts. The Sustainable Shores Ireland's Life Below Water book is designed using the Universal Design for Learning principles to ensure it is accessible to all.
Now more than ever, we need to start living sustainably and in equilibrium with nature.