Biodiversity Below Water
Only 10% of Ireland's 31,000 species have had their conservation status assessed. Out of those that have been assessed, 1 in every 5 species is threatened with extinction. ​
Ireland has long been regarded as a green and wild island, with its lush greens and rolling hills. However, recent studies have shown that Ireland's biodiversity is actually in severe decline, with a number of key species under threat of extinction. This is especially true for our Life Below Water.
Many of the Goal 14 targets are already addressed within EU legislation. For example, the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) aimed to end overfishing by 2020. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) aimed to reach Good Environmental Status (GES) of marine waters by 2020 through the achievement of 11 descriptors of GES. These include maintaining biodiversity, managing sustainable fisheries and minimising pollution. The Natura 2000 Network aimed to protect 10% of marine territory by 2020.
Sadly, poor implementation of EU legislation has led many of the directives to fail in achieving their targets, especially in Ireland. Ireland remains one of the worst EU countries for overfishing.
Ireland has only protected a measly 2.1% of its 488,762 km2 marine territory, compared to the 10% we were supposed to achieve by 2020, let alone the 30% target the Government has now set for 2030!
In an attempt to address Goal 14, Ireland implemented the National Biodiversity Action Plan 2017-2021. Zero targets have been reached to restore marine biodiversity, with all 8 targets being marked “in progress”. By its end in 2021, 0% of the plan had been completed, with all targets still being marked “in progress”.
Ireland's continued failure to implement legislation and protect biodiversity puts species, ecosystems and entire lives at risk.
Sustainable Stastics?
Overfishing into Extinction
Ireland has continuously ranked as one of the worst countries for overfishing in the EU, overharvesting stocks by hundreds of thousands of tonnes above scientifically advised limits.
Marine Protected Areas
Only 2.1% of Ireland's marine territory is protected as a MPA, compared to the European average of 10%. Ireland's MPAs are disjointed, isolated, and insufficient to protect biodiversity.
Biodiversity Intactness
The Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) estimates how much of an area’s natural biodiversity remains. Ireland's BII is nearing critical depletion, meaning ecosystems could collapse entirely.
Ireland remains the first and only Member State to have its fishing control plan for weighing catches in factories revoked by the European Commission. Ireland consistently failed to address the “manipulation of weighing systems” and “under-declaration of catches by operators" leading to overfishing.